So it’s my last chemotherapy treatment and I am on day 2. I have a professional development conference to attend. I’m not sure if I will cope but won’t know until i do it.
I slept like a zombie from 10.32pm – 11.18pm. WTF!!! Then I tossed all night long with hip and knee pain, I’m so hot and my tummy is so sore. I finally got up at 4.30 am. I just can’t lay in bed anymore.
We are in a hotel so I am aware of not disturbing Marc. Its really hard, there is nowhere to hide.
I feel fragile but okay. My head feels fuzzy, my hands and feet are really hot, my tummy is bloated and sore, but I am not too bad. I dose up on pain killers and anti nausea meds and I get ready to go to the conference. I make it to the lunch time break before I hit the wall.
It’s been weird – I’m with my business friends and none of them have seen me since before I was sick. They are all so supportive, but I feel like an alien. Like I am in this weird parallel universe. They all tell me I look great, but really, I am sure they are being kind.
We are staying on the site that the conference is in so I went up to our bedroom and lay down, sleeping until 6pm. We then went out to dinner. I took it very slowly. I felt quite weak and shaky and was waiting for the awful diarrhoea to hit. I’m almost scared to leave the safety of a bathroom within 6 feet.
I took it slow and it was pretty fun I guess. I’m in bed by 11 PM dosed with endone and valium let’s see how we go. Still not sure if i am overly optimistic or just stupid for expecting myself to do this……
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