Bald Barren And Boobless

An honest and comical reflection of my journey through breast cancer

Tag: Breast Cancer (page 4 of 7)

Anyone for Scones??

photoSam comes into the bedroom really early. He is really hot and feels sick. It is a really hot morning so I ask him to come sit with me by the pool. He ends up getting in the pool to cool down and I stay on the side.

I’m sitting there when Marc comes out and says hey babe there is a heap of hair on your top. I touch my hair and it just comes away in my hand like fairy floss. I wait for the dread, for the tears but I just kick into ‘manage it’ mode again.

I go onto the bathroom and just keep pulling handfuls of hair out. It’s Sunday and we are due to go to church. So I ask Marc to give me a buzz cut. I didn’t think I would cope with Marc doing this but I am really ok with it.

Marc performs the deed and we do some silly shots along the way. After all when else will I have the chance to have a real Mohawk??? (See picture above.)  Yes I was trying to look like I and attitude – you know punk rocker isn… not sure if it worked…..

I am surprised at how ‘ok’ I am. I was so worried about the emotional weight this process would take but I actually felt free. I felt at peace.  Marc takes a photo of the two of us, (see next picture), and before I know it he has posted it on his timeline on FB!


Under normal circumstances I would not want my photo posted at all, let alone my first bald shot.  Again I was ok with it.  I did ask him to let me know “before” he does that just so I am aware.  But still amazed at how I felt.

I wear my cap to church for the first time. I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb but I will get used to it.  One yucky thing is how hot my head is.

In the foyer at church Marc is talking with a new woman he has just met, (he does this all the time). He introduces me to Helen from Chicago. She is a bubbly friendly woman. It’s her first time here, she is on holiday and has popped in.

As we are walking into the service, she stops me and says “can I ask, have you got cancer?” I respond openly “Yes, Breast Cancer, I lost my hair today so this is the first time I’ve worn one of the hats.”

Helen tears up as she explains to me that she is a breast cancer survivor and this is her anniversary celebration trip for ceasing treatment. She explains her hair has grown back and she is feeling human again. She looks me right in the eye and says “It’s going to be ok.” By now we are both crying and hugging. It was just such a beautiful miracle to meet her on the day when I was feeling vulnerable and unsure.

The gift of meeting Helen that day will never be forgotten. This is another example of how God has just provided for me when I need it. I am so blown away at the miracles and endless support and love that surround me.

I never thought I would say this but my B day has been such an amazing day. It has been such a gift in more ways than one. Now its time for me to embrace my scone.

Laughter is such great medicine

laugh or cryI felt better today when I woke up, thank goodness the Truck had not run me over again! I am excited as I am meeting one of my best girlfriends for lunch and a movie today. We saw an action movie, I fell asleep half way through, sad but hey under the circumstances I suppose it is understandable.I felt better today when I woke up, thank goodness the Truck had not run me over again! I am excited as I am meeting one of my best girlfriends for lunch and a movie today. We saw an action movie, I fell asleep half way through, sad but hey under the circumstances I suppose it is understandable.

We had such a great day laughing reminiscing and sharing. We have always had a relationship where we thrive on each other’s energy and ideas. She has the ideas, I follow through, it is a great balance.

Friends are just so important. I know before I was diagnosed with cancer and I was seeing a counsellor for some stress management support. She asked me what I did to have fun and I couldn’t answer her. My world had shrunk to work, managing family stuff and more work. I was struggling with a unhappy relationship with a loved one and I was really stressed.

My cup was empty and I just kept expecting myself to produce more. I am sure I was on empty for many years. This journey has been teaching me how important laughter, friendship and prioritising me is. All work and no fun made Kylie a very sick woman.

So if you are struggling with something, whether it is health or stress of some kind, take an honest look at your life, at what makes you feel good. Promise that you will do more. Fill your cup so you can be there and be fully present for others. Letting yourself become run down comes from a dysfunctional place of self importance, (everyone needs me.) In fact, what you are doing is the exact opposite. You are being really selfish because no one gets the best you.

What a Big Lesson for me!!

I came home and had a lovely dinner with my boys and we watched a silly movie. We laughed and laughed. I noticed my head and scalp feel really tingly and sore. I wonder if tomorrow will be ‘D’ Day or ‘B’ day. Only time will tell.

Sam has not been well since he came back from Summer camp. He has a fever and a headache. I asked him to come in through the night if he needs me.  I hope he isn’t coming down with something.  No matter how sick you are a Mum never switches off.  Makes me really miss my lovely Mum 🙁


Which way did that Truck go?


body outlineI woke feeling like a Truck had hit me. Damn that Truck. My head is aching and fuzzy, sinus all clogged up, body aching and I just couldn’t seem to get going. I had a ‘to do” list in my head but when I got up I realised I was not going to win this battle so I went back to bed.

That’s honestly one of the things I struggle with so much along this journey and that is the unpredictable nature of each day. No matter what you do, you have very little control over how your body will be. I used to be like the old reliable car, every day it would start without question. Yes, it was in need of a service or two but it kept on going.

Now I just can’t promise anyone anything. Now I feel like the car that is the lemon. No matter what you do something goes wrong. This is a very big adjustment for me to make.

So, I listened to my body and got up in a few hours to eat, then exhausted went back to bed again. This lingering headache just will not go away. I am beginning to wonder if the last two “good days” meant I over did it? I’m just not sure anymore….

Our kids get back from camp today – we are excited and have missed them. I am still waiting for my hair to fall out but it seems today is not the day, Yay! I did warn the kids that when they come back I might be bald. They were both cool with it. How blessed am I? I was half waiting for them to ask me not to pick them up, how embarrassing to have a baldy fritz picking you up from camp?

At least I reckon I would have been embarrassed as a teen. My Mum going through her treatment never had chemo so she didn’t lose her hair. I wouldn’t have meant to be mean, but the teen years are tough enough without a bald mother to contend with too.

We had a friend over for dinner and we all sat about the table talking about love, life and the universe. It was really a great night. I am reminded over and over how blessed I am to have such a great family and group of friends surrounding me.

Seeing the Oncologist today

road w quoteWoke feeling pretty good today. I have an Oncology visit again today. I still can’t wrap my head around that. “I have an oncologist.” This is a medical doctor I never thought I would have.

She is helpful, she listens, she writes me scripts to help with pain, digestive issues and sleep problems. Man I am taking so much medication. My Blood tests results were good, my liver is struggling but my white cell count was in the normal range! Yeah!

I also had acupuncture today; my positive blood results tell us both that the treatment is supporting my body well. I really feel like I am doing what is right for my body and me.

Came home had a rest and then out to dinner with some friends, rather a lovely day really. I am certainly feeling much less sick than before which is great. Although they say just as you begin to feel well again you head in for the next round.

I must say I am feeling uneasy about the whole “waiting for my hair to fall out” Scenario. Talk about mess with your head.   It is due any day now. I have a cap in my bag at all times; I am making all sorts of jokes like “don’t be in a strong wind.”

It is really bizarre and I am afraid to touch my hair, just waiting for it to fall out in my hands.  It is unlike anything I have experienced before.  Man I hope I have a nice scone.


Finding my inner child

letting-your-inner-child-outI am awake at 230am in a complete sweat, I had to spray myself and stand in front of the fan to try and cool down. I eventually go back to bed, but it is only broken sleep interrupted by bouts of me being on fire.

My head feels cloudy today, unsure if it is because I had a glass of wine with dinner last night. Found it hard to say No at the lovely French restaurant.

I decide to do some light pilates today, try and get this body moving again. We also had a professional development session with one of my business mentors. Despite stopping work and pausing the business we decided to continue to invest in ourselves and in the business.

It was a great session in fact it is where the idea to blog is born! I feel so determined to share my experience so that others don’t feel alone. I know everything I have read has helped me to feel less weird and more part of a community of people experiencing similar things.

I saw the psychologist today, he was recommended by my Naturopath. She said that the shock of such a diagnosis and surgery etc can take quite a toll and also can sneak up on you. I have felt in coping mode since it all happened and wonder if I am ever going to crumble or lose it completely.

It was a really interesting session. There was a real focus on me and acceptance of myself. For me to focus on what I am doing that works and to learn to appreciate myself more. Such foreign concepts for me.  Another bonus is that he is a cancer survivor, so he knows what it’s like to be part of “the club.”

We identified that the part of me that had to grow up really quickly at 8 years old when my Mums cancer had spread to her bones has been a real driving force for me. Whenever things get tough I go into Mrs Fix it mode as the expense of my own well being. This little girl who needed to be loved and protected from the fears of her mum dying felt she had to forgo those and be the support for her family. Too much for a little girl to do. So its no wonder I turn into a workaholic, lacking the ability to nurture myself or be kind to myself.

So I will be learning to reconcile with that part of my past, I will learn to allow my inner child to know she is safe and loved and learn how to be carefree. Something I have no concept of.

Lots of learning here for me, but I am excited. I always promised myself I would take whatever I needed to take form this experience, to learn and grow. I will not go through this without taking from it all I can to become all that God has destined me to be.

I am already seeing how little I took care of myself. How I have always given so much to others but rarely replenished me. No wonder I have felt exhausted for so long. How exciting to find my inner child, to learn how to be carefree, to have fun, to fill myself up so that those in my world get the best of me!

Tonight we went our for dinner with our close friends to the Red Lantern in Surry Hills, such a yummy place to go. If you haven’t been please go, it is truly amazing Vietnamese cuisine. Even with my struggling taste buds it was amazing.

All in all a great day, a long one, but a great one. Now me and my inner child are going to bed.

Summer Camp!

summer timeIt’s Summer time, and every summer our kids go to “Summer Camp.” This is 3-5 days when the kids go off and do crazy stuff and the grown ups get to have a summer break too.

I am feeling ok as the day begins, I am still sore where I had the mastectomy, I’m aching all over but the mouth ulcers are beginning to get less painful. We drop Sam to the bus for camp and he says that he fears he will starve while he’s away. Such a drama queen, my boy! I have packed him so many snacks that even if he ate nothing else he would survive.

I do the usual mum thing, “brush your teeth, use sunscreen, remember to drink plenty of water, Oh and have fun!” Sam hears “Blah Blah blah ….Fun” Typical parent teenager interaction really J

Marc and I go home and have a relatively easy day. I poddle about and have a rest in the arvo and then we have a date night which is exciting.

On the way into the city we got to Oxford street and go to a wig and hat shop to get some bamboo caps so that I am prepared when my hair starts to go. It’s so weird but the ladies are lovely and I pick a few different colours. I’m such a girl scout; I need to be prepared. But seriously, when is it a convenient time for your hair to fall out?

We decided to go to Gold Class and see “Walter Mitty.” We went to a little French restaurant for dinner and then on to the movies. What a great movie, so good to get out of my own head for a while and be in some ones else’s. It’s so nice to be doing “normal” things together, just spending time, and especially not talking about cancer.

Such a lovely day and I didn’t even need Endone tonight! Progress……

Some days are just hard

photoSo I am now Day 10 post first chemo round. I slept ok thanks to many drugs now at my disposal. My ovulation pain has stopped which is great, one less pain.  But the heat coming from my body is unbelievable, not even in a hot flush sense but pure heat radiating from my hands , feet, torso, it’s amazing and really uncomfortable.

Marc will be sitting next to me and can feel me radiating.  My hands and feet are swollen and hard to use, so walking and little things like opening jars etc are hard to do.  I had to have a blood test today to ensure my white cell count does not go too low.

Highlight of my day a great friend from my school days comes to visit. It’s the first time I have seen her in probably 18 months. We have our oldest boys (13 now) just 2 weeks apart and they get on really well too.

We have a simple lunch, I am so excited to have her and her family here I am not focusing just how achy and yuck I feel. They leave after a few hours and I decide to lay down. Small bursts of excitement work for me at this stage.

I drag my sorry butt to my bed and as I lay down my beautiful puppy Betty Boo (yes that her in the picture) pees on the bed. I seriously want to cry. She doesn’t know any better, it’s my fault that I didn’t take her outside and my tank is in the negative now. Besides, look at that face how can you get cranky with someone so cute.

So after I change the sheets and put them in the washing machine I lay down. Oh man how good it feels to lay down and not move my aching bones. Then I need to go to the shops to get food for dinner. I am exhausted, aching, sore and having pain at my surgery site, (right mastectomy).

It’s weird I feel the nipple and all kinds of weird sensations sometimes like let down when you breast feed. Very strange indeed as there is nothing there.  My right chest is concave, unless you see it it is hard to imagine.  It’s not just like a flat chest like a Mans, its concave.  It is truly strange when you are used to the lovely womanly curve that used to be there.

As I swallow the Endone that will allow me to sleep I am thankful for old friends, for laughter, for clean sheets and for my family that I love and that love me.  Tomorrow is a brand new day.

Meeting a fellow Warrior

warrior womanI slept well again –the difference being no Endone last night, a further improvement! I woke early as Marc is playing at church this morning, we were being silly mucking around and ended up laughing so hard we couldn’t do anything else for a good few minutes.

It was so good to have a good old belly laugh – man it is good for the soul. He leaves for church and I have a few sacred hours to myself in the house where it is quiet.   I cherish these moments when everyone else is asleep and I just get to sit and enjoy the stillness. It is one of my favourite times.

The church service was amazing and afterwards we had arranged to meet with another couple who are on a similar journey. The difference being, she was diagnosed a month before me, and because of her cancer being different she has had to have chemo before surgery.

It was so lovely meeting them both. I recognised her straight away as she had the cancer cap on. She looked weak but strong on the inside. We talked, I asked many questions like “why the chemo first?”

She explained that she wanted to preserve as much breast tissue as possible so she could potentially have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. She is the only in her family to be diagnosed so has a very different view of breast cancer to me.

It was so lovely to speak with another woman who understand the fears, the concerns, the feelings of being so sick that blinking is too much. She encouraged me to rest as rest is healing and when you allow our body to heal you recover faster.   I call her my warrior woman friend.  She inspires me so much and she understands what it’s like.  The picture has been chosen strategically.  In all of the pictures available each of the women is really voluptuous, which no longer connects with me, so I picked this one.

An added bonus, our Husbands connected really well which was wonderful. There is so little support for the men standing with their women through this awful journey. So we plan to stay in touch, to resource and support each other. She gave me a contact for the cancer caps so if and when I decide to use them I can get some.

They looked funky on her and I am sure at least initially and in certain settings I will want to wear one. I am generally feeling a little better today, less pain, mouth ulcers still awful, still tired, digestion a little better but ovulation pain is really bad.

So if you are reading this and are on the journey too, find someone you can connect with, even if it’s online. Having someone who knows what you are going through makes such a difference.

Waiting and watching for the inevitable.

persist quoteI can’t believe it I slept like a log. When I finally woke I felt like I had a hangover.- believe me it was a slow start to the day. I am a little sore, probably after the Pilates. But hey, it a positive sore. YAY! I cannot tell you how nice it is to have a good sore for once.

For months now each time something is sore there has been some type of catastrophe or trauma associated with it, today it’s because I exercised – woohoo! I have developed mouth ulcers, hang on let’s say GI tract ulcers. I am pretty sure they go most of the way down. Each time I eat I can feel them burning and sore. They are all trough my nose also, any mucous membrane. I have been a little slack with the mouth wash.

One of the many tips they give you is to wash many times each day with a bicarb mouth wash to avoid or help with mouth ulcers. I keep forgetting and am also so dang tired that I lay in bed and think, “should do mouth wash, nahh couldn’t be stuffed.” So this would be me paying the price for that now.

I am now day 9 since chemo began and they say anywhere from Day 13-21 your hair will begin to fall out. I am psyching myself up for it. It is a weird thing to be waiting for. I’ve read some weird experiences. Some people wake up and their hair is on the pillow. One poor lady woke to find her eyebrows staring back at her from the pillow. Now that would be difficult to describe.

As a normal woman we spend most of our adult life trying to rid ourselves of excess or any hair in the so-called unacceptable places. Now I am waiting and watching to lose it all. I mean literally all. You lose, head hair, eyebrows eyelashes, leg hair pubic hair EVERYTHING! Talk about head spin.

That step makes it really real; I can no longer hide. Yes I don’t look or feel well now but no one knows unless I tell them. When your bald everyone knows it’s the BIG C.

As I am day 9 now I have 12 days until the next round. So I will begin to feel “almost normal” with the exception of the tiredness and some of the longer lasting symptoms before I go back and say “Sing it again Sam.”

I am having ovulation pain today that means my ovaries have not stopped functioning with the first dose of chemo, they will with the next round for sure. I look forward to the day when my energy is back, look out world.

I begin to feel human again – small steps

small stepsI slept well again! Woo hoo for Endone! I woke at 7am, it’s almost a miracle. The tiredness is still overwhelming; it is truly hard to explain.

I have a fuzzy head and it’s like I am trying to think but my head is full of custard (weird analogy but the best I can do). I still have indigestion that would mame most horses and my tongue is numb.   It is the weirdest thing.

Also my taste buds have changed, I can no longer taste anything but this persistent metallic taste – it is not pleasant. Everything tastes like this persistent unpleasant metal taste, even chocolate…… It’s heart breaking stuff.  The only thing that tastes normal is liquorice, weird hey? Lucky I like liquorice.

I went on an outing on my own today to the shops! Now that’s progress. I think I need to have small daily projects, like “go to the shops ,” “get dressed,” “shower.”  Small steps baby.

Honestly, if my to do list grows much more than that I am setting myself up for failure. I do believe a big part of this journey for me is redefining that I am not what I do. I am who I am and I am enough. I do not need to prove myself through my works.  I have been trying to prove myself through my works for many years and believe me it is exhausting.

I did 40 minutes on the Pilates reformer today so that was a huge achievement. Look, it is slow and it is gentle but its movement, Yay!

Being such an over achiever for such a long time this experience has real smacked me between the eyes. I cannot push through or past this, it has me at its mercy and I must obey. So I will listen to the wisdom of my body, I will accept myself for where I am at, I will appreciate the smallest things.

For example just sitting in the front yard watching Bettty Boo chase insects and butterflies. It is such a simple thing to do but I would never have taken the time to do that before. Daily small miracles is what it is all about.

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