Last night was awake from 130 to 330, and then from four until 530. I don’t think I can keep going like this. I’m sure that most of this is from the drain and how it prevents me from moving to get comfortable in bed.
I got up to check my drain and it’s blocked so I unblocked but the wound site looks really read an angry almost like I have an infection. I called my plastic surgeon and he said to go to an emergency at St George Hospital to see his registrar.
Two hours later and I am drain less…. WOOOHOOO!!!
I’ve even had a shower, and later I’m planning to have a bath complete with lavender and Epsom salts. I had a visit with some friends tonight and we spent the night laughing which was just so you wonderful.
I’ve had some weird chest pain tonight which feels like my nipples are in advice and are being pulled away from my body. Weird when you don’t have nipples any more.
Marc and I watched a silly movie and laughed it was so lovely! I still can’t believe I’m drained free…..
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