I slept again – woo hoo! I could get used to this. I am feeling a bit yuck in the head, and still as tired as heck but I’m remembering what Human can feel like.
After I get the kids to school and do what needs to be done I decide to take myself to the movies today. Kylie no friends, how liberating! I really wanted to see August Osage County and hadn’t had the opportunity until now.
Have you ever gone to the movies alone? I encourage you to do it. The first time I was so uncomfortable thinking every one would be looking at me and judging me for being alone. But like most things in life, no one cares. It is actually incredibly freeing. Realising that you don’t need anyone else to entertain yourself or do things you want is very empowering.
I arrive at the cinema and I am alone in the theatre except for one other. I take about 3 seats to myself; unpack my healthy goodies I packed and sit back to be entertained. Entertained I am but it is an incredibly sad and heart breaking movie. What a powerful story. It really impacted me and made me feel so blessed for the family I have and the love I am surrounded with.
Yes we all have our baggage and crap that occurs. Every family has a few skeletons in the closet that’s for sure. If they say they haven’t they are just having themselves on.
When I arrived home I was greeted by an incredible bunch of flowers from my networking group 4N. What a beautiful thought and gesture. I feel so much gratitude for these people that are willing to reach out and let me know I am in their thoughts.
I haven’t rested today so I am totally whacked by nightfall. I do an experiment tonight and decide to try to sleep unaided by sleeping pills or pain relief – am I mad or not? Let’s see hey?
December 22, 2014 at 7:42 pm
It is incredibly freeing to go to the movies alone. I remember my first time. I love the saying “Wisdom is healed pain”. I have healed so much in the last 10 years. I have come to find my own life force and it feels wonderful. I will consider that wisdom. Hope you were able to get a night sleep without the medications. As of yet, I cannot.
December 23, 2014 at 11:20 am
Thank you for your ongoing support and Encouragement janetcate. I pray that you will find rest and recovery. Wisdom is such a gift isn’t it? I am slowly coming to terms wight he fact that Life will always be different, but that does not have to mean bad or worse, it is simply different. thanks again I find your support incredibly encouraging 🙂
December 22, 2014 at 8:38 pm
Reading this is like having you in the room. Always a breath if fresh air. Great story xxx
December 23, 2014 at 11:19 am
you are so kind – thank you