So it’s my second day as a Baldy Fritz. I woke early and had no energy AGAIN! I spent most of the day in bed, my “To Do” list was not touched for another day 🙁
Today, Sam called me a “silly bald woman” and I responded with “that is your one and only chance to do that!” I can’t even remember of it was out of frustration or him being comical, either way, it’s a fine line hey.
We had our connect group from Church over to our place tonight. What a wonderful group of people they are. They are like family, they walk with us through the tough times and cheer with us through the good times.
This experience has really reinforced just who important it is to have good people in your corner. Man it just makes the world of difference to have people who you can call on for encouragement, rot listen, to make you laugh, to help out practically. It is really so humbling.
Tomorrow it’s back to school shopping for Sam and I. Can you imagine anything worse??? Shopping on a hot day in school holidays when every other parent s doing the same thing, with no energy and no hair?
I am beginning to get into the mindset for me next treatment which is only 3 more sleeps away. I have read and heard people say this is one of the hardest parts of the schedule. You just start to feel more energised, almost human again and you go back for more poison (sorry treatment 🙁 ).
Well it’s back to bed for me and my bald head. I must say one bonus? It takes me much less time to get ready to leave the house 🙂
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