I slept a little better last night. But had to take endone and sleeping tablets to get me through. I still wake on fire with the hot flushes and don’t know that any sleeping pill invented that can keep me sleep while I’m slowly self-combusting from the inside out.
I have the lovely Eliza again today and I’m feeling a little cranky. It’s just one of those days and I’m really trying to learn how to manage my moods. Bloody enforced menopause – again from the Tamoxifen and Zolladex..
I talked to my specialist team about the awful side effects and all they say is – “stop the Tamoxifen and the cancer will come back”- Nothing like a threat against your life eh?
I am having less hot flushes today or it’s less noticeable, I’m achy and am really, really, really moody, I have completely no tolerance if I had a wick I lost it ages ago. In fact I would say I am scary moody…
I’m looking forward to some quiet time tomorrow just to me. Funny though I really don’t know what to do with myself but I suppose that’s something I need to learn. I am beginning to realise that my inability to self care and self nurture is part of the reason why I have ended up here; If I am being completely honest with myself. Sad hey…
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