I had a good sleep. As I wake I realise it’s a beautiful rainy Saturday. I love those days where you don’t have to rush out of bed, and you know you can stay in it to warm to and enjoy the day.
Marc is at work this morning. I get out of bed, finally, and start pottering about. I take Sam to the shops and run errands. When I get home I’m completely exhausted. I feel so overwhelmed, and then get really snappy with Marc. I know this isn’t fair, and I’m really sorry. He understands, as he usually does. Man I am so blessed.
We have some lunch. I decide to make a cake as our good friends are coming to visit this afternoon. I made my famous wheat, dairy and sugar free chocolate cake. I know you are saying, “What the heck has it got in it?”. But trust me, it is beautiful. One day I’ll share the recipe with you.
We had a lovely afternoon catching up with our friends, which was great. Since I got sick so many friends have stayed away, yet many have stepped up and ensured that we stay connected. I really appreciate this.
I don’t blame anyone, many people struggle to know what to say and how to be around someone when they are sick. Can I just encourage you though, it is so much better to say how you feel and support them anyway. Otherwise chronic illness is a very lonely place.
Sam goes to a friend’s house for a sleepover, Marc and I have a lovely dinner together and watch a movie. We decide on a comedy, there’s too much seriousness in our life at the moment.
We laugh ourselves silly until our tummies hurt. It’s just so fun to let go, forget whatever’s happening in your own life, and laugh. It was such a lovely night. They do say the simple things……
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