What a celebration! Last night I got to sleep without Valium yay! Today I see the physio who specialises in lymphatic drainage. My Oncologist told me at the last review that my arm is a little too swollen for her to be happy with.
Thankfully, the physio said I do not have lymphoedema just normal post surgery swelling. Thank goodness another blessing for me. I saw so many women in my support group that struggle on a daily basis with lymphoedema, I did not want this for me as well. Selfish I know.
He gave me some massage and stretching tips for my scar and chest to increase mobility. My surgeons have not mentioned to me the risk of losing function if you do not increase your mobility with support. The thing that frustrates me about this is that no one told me this I found this out purely by luck.
Apparently there are many women who lose normal arm function following this surgery!! Women who cannot return to activities, sports or even personal exercise programs wight he same function. I felt it was unacceptable that I had not been told this.
The physio also challenged me when he asked me about reconstruction. He said to me, “who are you doing this for?” I replied, “it’s a combination of for myself and for my marriage and husband.” I don’t think he understood completely where I was coming from and he began on a rant about how big the surgery is and how dare someone else expect me to do that for them. I was quite taken aback and surprised at his response.
This was obviously a sore spot for him for whatever reason. He asked me about my expected timeline with surgery and recovery and then said that my timeframe is unrealistic. Wow, another blow for me. At the time I thought “I’m so tired I don’t have the energy to get into this with you.”
Anyone who knows me knows that this is not my usual response. I love difficult conversations and don’t like being misunderstood. However, today I just need to leave it be. I needed to choose my battles
When I got home Marc and Moni have gone to do some driving, Moni is on her L plates and keen to get her P plates by July when she turns 18. I decided to do some Pilates & shake off the yucky feeling I have leftover from the conversation with the physio.
He has planted this horrible seed in my mind that my loving husband is being selfish. I know this is not the truth he has never asked me to have reconstruction for him. As much as I know my own truth I can’t shake what this man said to me today. I’m also thrown by his statement that my own timeframe for recovery may be unrealistic I need to put this aside until I speak with my plastic surgeon.
I had a word with Marc and told him what the physio had said, he was so supportive and felt this guy really dumped his own baggage on me. I must say I agree, Im so glad I can talk to Mar about all of this openly.
Tonight my love and I go out to see a movie and have some dinner. It’s been such a long time since we’ve had a date night, we promised each other that we will not talk about cancer, surgery, money problems or anything else that is causing us tension. We have such a lovely time; we laugh at the silly movie and just enjoy being in the same space together.
When we get home my body is so tired but my head is wide awake. I try to sleep to no avail so at 2 AM I relent and take a sleeping tablet. It’s all about choosing your battles.
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