I woke at 430 this morning and spent some quality time with my lovely man. It’s so rare that we both are able to just connect, spend time with each other and just “be”. In fact, in general I struggle with the notion of “just being” I am a doer …. It’s a busy morning, doing errands washing putting new fans together for me and the family. It is a really hot summer, hot flushes certainly do not help.
I think I’ve worn out about three fans through my hot flushes one accomplishment! I also spent some time declaring sending some emails and by lunch I’ve hit the wall. I had a little sleep in the afternoon about 30 minutes and then did some Pilates. Don’t get excited it’s nothing special just gentle movement keep my body healing.
I suppose it was a productive day in many ways, I still struggle with the idea that it’s just not enough. But this is much true that me being enough regardless of what I accomplish. I had some pain relief at 4 PM as my bones are just aching I’ll also need to take tonight to because I won’t sleep without it but no valium tonight, small steps, small steps.
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